Friday, July 13, 2012

A pick-me-up anytime

Its only fitting my first "real" post be on coffee. Everyone that knows me knows I need/love coffee! I have worked in a few coffee shops over the years. It has definitely been the most fun job I have worked. There's nothing like passing joy in a cup to someone at 6 am (or 10 pm)!

Ok, now let me clarify, when I say coffee I mean latte. I'm not a fan of drip coffee. I love sweet, creamy, dessert in a cup, coffee. Its not that I have anything against drip coffee, its just not my cup of tea (or coffee). I noticed it upsets my stomach a little, so I have been a latte drinker (plus i am not good about drinking milk so i get a serving in a latte). A big perk of working in coffee is free/discounted coffee. My time at the coffee shops ended, and I transitioned to a full time stay at home mom(even though I only worked about 8 hours a week). At first we got coffee 2-3 times a week, now we rarely go out for it. I have used my barista knowledge and basic kitchen tools to save my family a ton of money.

I am going to teach you how to make Toddy! It is basically cold brewed coffee could get a toddy maker like this one here (i have had one for 5 or 6 years). It makes it super easy to filter the coffee grounds out, but it isn't necessary. All you need is a glass container that will hold approximately a quart or more, a mesh strainer, coffee filters, a mixing bowl, and your choice of coffee. Our budget doesnt allow for fancy whole bean custom roast coffee anymore, so I buy the big tubs when they are on sale. The great things about the tubs/cans is you can paint them and reuse them for pantry items.

To start the most important thing you need to know is its a 1:4 coffee to water ratio. I do about 1 cup coffee to 4 cups water but you may not need, or use, that much so make adjustments for your lifestyle. coarse ground works the best but pre-ground drip works fine. dark roast will give you a richer stronger flavor. hint: After you measure mark with a permanent marker a coffee line and a waterline. No more measuring every time.

Next add water. Now comes the really hard part.....Let it sit on your counter for 12 to 24 hours. I do about 24 hours.

Come back after your Toddy has brewed and get your coffee filters and mesh strainer. position over bowl and start filtering!

When I'm done filtering, I use my hospital much to store my toddy in the fridge. the lid is perfect for pouring! Of course, if you don't have a hospital mug lying around you can use any container with a lid.               

Now that you have a fresh batch of toddy, you're probably ready to try making a latte. If you are brave enough, get in the kitchen and figure it out! If you want some guidance, you'll have to wait!! I promise I will guide you through building and flavoring drinks soon! There are some hints in the background of the last picture! :) Until next time, LETS MAKE A MESS!!!


  1. Awesome post Shauna! I had no idea that the base of a latte was started with a Toddy like this. I know Holly and Mariah will both LOVE it if I make some of this. Of course I will have to wait for you next posts about flavoring before I can give it a try. How long will the Toddy be able to stay in the fridge after it's made?


  2. Thanks Julie! Toddy is like a cold espresso. It will stay for 2 weeks in the fridge. Right now I am on a blended drink kick because its been so hot. You won't have to wait long before I post again. Hopefully this weekend or Monday. So get some toddy ready!

  3. I will definently have to show my hubby this. I bought himan espresso machine that streams and froths for Christmas and its to hot to do that now. I know he uses the espresso part for some iced drinks is this similar?

  4. It is a cold brewed espresso. It doesn't pull out all the flavors of the coffee as an espresso machine. Another reason I love toddy is its has lower acidity than coffee that is brewed with hot water because the beans don't release as much oil in cold water. Its just a nice mild flavor. It had as much or more caffeine than a shot of espresso because of the length of time you brew it. I love it for blended and iced drinks because its kept in the fridge so its cold doesn't melt the ice like hot espresso. Make some and let me know what you guys think. Coarse ground dark (or medium dark) works best.
